commit c085eed6ce1d1faa2f4d84e71c4a5aa565781b57
parent 06c62632cee2fcded237f79111410174193eac2b
Author: oscarbenedito <>
Date:   Mon,  2 Dec 2019 22:16:31 +0100

Fixes bugs with vim theme

Diffstat: | 29+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/ @@ -69,6 +69,35 @@ Set the colorscheme. colorscheme onedark ``` +Deactivate vim's Background Color Erase (BCE) option +```vim file dot_vimrc +set t_ut="" +``` + +## Color scheme configuration +Use 24-bit (true-color) mode in Vim/Neovim when outside tmux. If you're using tmux version 2.2 or later, you can remove the outermost $TMUX check and use tmux's 24-bit color support (see < > for more information). + +```vim file dot_vimrc +if (empty($TMUX)) +``` + +For Neovim 0.1.3 and 0.1.4 < > + +```vim file dot_vimrc + if (has("nvim")) + let $NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR=1 + endif +``` + +For Neovim > 0.1.5 and Vim > patch 7.4.1799 < >. Based on Vim patch 7.4.1770 (`guicolors` option) < >. + +```vim file dot_vimrc + if (has("termguicolors")) + set termguicolors + endif +endif +``` + ## Status line First of all, a function to get the git branch we are editing (if we are).