commit 0c96e1ead1885aac31acde4f73928e7c865bf910
parent b3ec09f8007230c60a30c30414c8543d3f1d6007
Author: oscarbenedito <>
Date:   Sun,  3 May 2020 22:54:24 +0200

Updated vim onedark colorscheme

Mdot_config/nvim/autoload/onedark.vim | 7+++----
Mdot_config/nvim/colors/onedark.vim | 7++++---
2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dot_config/nvim/autoload/onedark.vim b/dot_config/nvim/autoload/onedark.vim @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ let s:colors = { \ "white": get(s:overrides, "white", { "gui": "#ABB2BF", "cterm": "145", "cterm16": "7" }), \ "black": get(s:overrides, "black", { "gui": "#282C34", "cterm": "235", "cterm16": "0" }), \ "visual_black": get(s:overrides, "visual_black", { "gui": "NONE", "cterm": "NONE", "cterm16": "0" }), - \ "comment_grey": get(s:overrides, "comment_grey", { "gui": "#5C6370", "cterm": "242", "cterm16": "15" }), - \ "gutter_fg_grey": get(s:overrides, "gutter_fg_grey", { "gui": "#4B5263", "cterm": "240", "cterm16": "15" }), + \ "comment_grey": get(s:overrides, "comment_grey", { "gui": "#5C6370", "cterm": "59", "cterm16": "15" }), + \ "gutter_fg_grey": get(s:overrides, "gutter_fg_grey", { "gui": "#4B5263", "cterm": "238", "cterm16": "15" }), \ "cursor_grey": get(s:overrides, "cursor_grey", { "gui": "#2C323C", "cterm": "236", "cterm16": "8" }), \ "visual_grey": get(s:overrides, "visual_grey", { "gui": "#3E4452", "cterm": "237", "cterm16": "15" }), \ "menu_grey": get(s:overrides, "menu_grey", { "gui": "#3E4452", "cterm": "237", "cterm16": "8" }), @@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ let s:colors = { function! onedark#GetColors() return s:colors -endfunction -\ No newline at end of file +endfunction diff --git a/dot_config/nvim/colors/onedark.vim b/dot_config/nvim/colors/onedark.vim @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ call s:h("Tag", {}) " you can use CTRL-] on this call s:h("Delimiter", {}) " character that needs attention call s:h("SpecialComment", { "fg": s:comment_grey }) " special things inside a comment call s:h("Debug", {}) " debugging statements -call s:h("Underlined", { "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" }) " text that stands out, HTML links +call s:h("Underlined", { "fg": s:blue, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" }) " text that stands out, HTML links call s:h("Ignore", {}) " left blank, hidden call s:h("Error", { "fg": s:red }) " any erroneous construct call s:h("Todo", { "fg": s:purple }) " anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ call s:h("SignColumn", {}) " column where signs are displayed call s:h("IncSearch", { "fg": s:yellow, "bg": s:comment_grey }) " 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c" call s:h("LineNr", { "fg": s:gutter_fg_grey }) " Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set. call s:h("CursorLineNr", {}) " Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line. -call s:h("MatchParen", { "fg": s:blue, "gui": "underline" }) " The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. +call s:h("MatchParen", { "fg": s:blue, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" }) " The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. call s:h("ModeMsg", {}) " 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --") call s:h("MoreMsg", {}) " more-prompt call s:h("NonText", { "fg": s:special_grey }) " '~' and '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line). @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ call s:h("TabLine", { "fg": s:comment_grey }) " tab pages line, not active tab p call s:h("TabLineFill", {}) " tab pages line, where there are no labels call s:h("TabLineSel", { "fg": s:white }) " tab pages line, active tab page label call s:h("Terminal", { "fg": s:white, "bg": s:black }) " terminal window (see terminal-size-color) -call s:h("Title", { "fg": s:green }) " titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc. +call s:h("Title", { "fg": s:green, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold" }) " titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc. call s:h("Visual", { "fg": s:visual_black, "bg": s:visual_grey }) " Visual mode selection call s:h("VisualNOS", { "bg": s:visual_grey }) " Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection". Only X11 Gui's gui-x11 and xterm-clipboard supports this. call s:h("WarningMsg", { "fg": s:yellow }) " warning messages @@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ call s:h("htmlLink", { "fg": s:cyan, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" }) call s:h("htmlSpecialChar", { "fg": s:dark_yellow }) call s:h("htmlSpecialTagName", { "fg": s:red }) call s:h("htmlTag", { "fg": s:white }) +call s:h("htmlTagN", { "fg": s:red }) call s:h("htmlTagName", { "fg": s:red }) call s:h("htmlTitle", { "fg": s:white })