test-dunst (868B) - raw

      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 pkill dunst
      4 dunst -config ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc &
      6 notify-send -u critical "Test message: critical test 1" "This is the contents of the message"
      7 notify-send -u normal "Test message: normal test 2" "This is the contents of the message"
      8 notify-send -u low "Test message: low test 3" "This is the contents of the message"
      9 notify-send -u critical "Test message: critical test 4" "This is the contents of the message"
     10 notify-send -u normal "Test message: normal test 5" "This is the contents of the message"
     11 notify-send -u low "Test message: low test 6" "This is the contents of the message"
     12 notify-send -u critical "Test message: critical test 7" "This is the contents of the message"
     13 notify-send -u normal "Test message: normal test 8" "This is the contents of the message"
     14 notify-send -u low "Test message: low test 9" "This is the contents of the message"