2020-03-21-lighter-website.html (3648B) - raw

      1 <!-- title: A lighter website -->
      2 <!-- slug: lighter-website -->
      3 <!-- categories: Personal domain -->
      4 <!-- date: 2020-03-21T00:00:00Z -->
      6 <p>
      7   Following up with the <a href="/blog/2020/03/lightweight-website/">last post</a>, I decided to
      8   make my website even faster (which probably doesn't make a difference anymore).</p>
      9 <!-- /p -->
     11 <h2>The logo</h2>
     13 <p>
     14   My pages (HTML only) were about 21KB (without compression), but 11KB of those consisted of an SVG
     15   that appeared in all of them: the logo. The logo wasn't requested from a different static file
     16   because I needed to modify it using CSS (so that colors would change when switching to the dark
     17   theme) and, at the time, I thought inlining was the only option to allow that. However,
     18   investigating a little I found out there are alternatives to inlining: we can take advantage of
     19   the <code>use</code> tag of SVGs to "inline" an SVG from a different URL. By using that, my pages
     20   are now around 10KB of size (plus the statics files, which have a total size of 37KB for the pages
     21   without MathJax).</p>
     22 <!-- /p -->
     24 <h2>The static files</h2>
     26 <p>
     27   Considering that the <code>favicon.ico</code> is already 15KB, 47KB for a page is very good!
     28   Nevertheless, I wanted to reduce it even more<sup id="fnref1"><a href="#fn1">1</a></sup>. I looked
     29   into browser caching and liked the idea. I'll explain the basics. When our browser sends a request
     30   for a certain resource (URL/file), the server that responds can add information that tells the
     31   browser how long it should keep the file for. If the next time you browse that site and need the
     32   file again the file hasn't "expired", your browser will not request it, but instead make use of
     33   the copy previously downloaded. This reduces the number of requests made and the bandwidth
     34   used.</p>
     35 <!-- /p -->
     37 <p>
     38   The only problem with browser caching is that if the contents of a certain file change, your users
     39   will not see those until their copies expire. We want to maximize the time a file is used for
     40   before requesting it again while minimizing the time between update checks (unless our static
     41   files never change). To solve that, I used <a href="https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes">Hugo's
     42   Pipes</a>, which allows you to add the SHA256 sum of a static file to its name automatically (and
     43   all the places where the file is referenced). Now when downloading the CSS file, your browser is
     44   requesting <code>https://oscarbenedito.com/css/style.min.&lt;SHA256&gt;.css</code>, which will
     45   (highly probably) change when the contents change. Since the URL will be different, the browser
     46   will request the new file.</p>
     47 <!-- /p -->
     49 <h2>The uncompressed SVGs</h2>
     51 <p>
     52   I found out that SVG files where not being compressed by default<sup id="fnref2"><a
     53   href="#fn2">2</a></sup>. So I also enabled that!</p>
     54 <!-- /p -->
     56 <h2>Final comment</h2>
     58 <p>
     59   My webpage is ridiculously small and all these optimizations aren't that important. However, it is
     60   fun to learn about all of this and it can also be helpful if in the future I have a site with
     61   bigger static files (or someone reading this has!).</p>
     62 <!-- /p -->
     64 <!-- footnotes -->
     65 <hr />
     67 <ol>
     68   <li id="fn1">
     69     By now you have probably figured out this is more of a hobby than something useful, as the size
     70     reduced is ridiculously small. <a href="#fnref1" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the
     71     text">&#8617;</a></li>
     72   <!-- /li -->
     73   <li id="fn2">
     74     I don't really know the reason why. It might have something to do with <code>.svgz</code> files.
     75     No idea. <a href="#fnref2" title="Jump back to footnote 2 in the text">&#8617;</a></li>
     76   <!-- /li -->
     77 </ol>