2020-02-23-sharing-a-secret.html (5552B) - raw

      1 <!-- title: Sharing a secret -->
      2 <!-- slug: sharing-a-secret -->
      3 <!-- categories: Cryptography -->
      4 <!-- date: 2020-02-23T00:00:00Z -->
      5 <!-- extrafooter: <a href="/jsweblabels/" rel="jslicense" style="display: none;"></a><script id="MathJax-script" async src="/js/mathjax-3.1.0/tex-chtml.js"></script> -->
      7 <p>
      8   Making a backup of a secret can be tricky. For instance: I have a lot of passwords stored in an
      9   encrypted file, which I can edit through my password manager. The data in that file is both very
     10   sensitive and crucial. I currently have some offline backups (which are updated every once in a
     11   while) in different locations and one online backup in case I lose access to my passwords and I am
     12   not able to go to one of the locations where other backups are kept.</p>
     13 <!-- /p -->
     15 <p>
     16   The problem with having an online backup is that such sensitive data must be kept away from
     17   untrusted third parties and, so far, there's no third party I would trust with all those
     18   passwords. My solution is to distribute the trust. The encrypted file is encrypted again multiple
     19   times with very long random passwords. Those passwords are distributed across different services,
     20   and the file in another one, so no one service has access to the encrypted file.</p>
     21 <!-- /p -->
     23 <p>
     24   This seems like a reasonably secure system (considering the diversity of parties that should agree
     25   to attack me/get hacked). However, a couple of days ago, I was introduced to a much simpler and
     26   convenient method to "distribute" a secret: <a
     27   href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir%27s_Secret_Sharing">Shamir's Secret Sharing</a>.</p>
     28 <!-- /p -->
     30 <h2>Shamir's Secret Sharing</h2>
     32 <p>
     33   Shamir's Secret Sharing was created by <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adi_Shamir">Adi
     34   Shamir</a>, a cryptographer who is also the co-inventor of the—probably more widely known—<a
     35   href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)">RSA algorithm</a> (yes, that S stands for
     36   Shamir!). Here, I'll try to briefly explain how it works.</p>
     37 <!-- /p -->
     39 <p>
     40   Given a secret \(S\) (coded as a number), we want to distribute it among \(n\) parties (giving
     41   each party a "share" of the secret) in such a way that only \(k \leq n\) shares are needed to
     42   retrieve the secret, but that \(k-1\) shares don't grant any kind of knowledge on \(S\).</p>
     43 <!-- /p -->
     45 <p>
     46   Shamir's method is based on the fact that given \(n + 1\) pairs \((x_i, y_i)\) such that \(i \neq
     47   j \implies x_i \neq x_j\), then there exists a unique polynomial \(p\) of degree \(n\) or less
     48   that satisfies that \(p(x_i) = y_i\), \(\forall i \in \{1, \dots, n\}\) (and we have an efficient
     49   method to find \(p\) given \(n\) points).</p>
     50 <!-- /p -->
     52 <p>
     53   Let's put it into practice. Given a secret \(S\), to be shared with \(n\) parties in a way that
     54   any \(k\) parties can retrieve it, we'll build the following polynomial:</p>
     55 <!-- /p -->
     57 <p>\[p(x) = S + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 + ... + a_{k-1} x^{k-1},\]</p>
     59 <p>
     60   where \(a_i\) are random numbers, \(\forall i \in \{1, \dots, k-1\}\). Now we'll evaluate our
     61   polynomial on \(n\) different points (and different from 0) to obtain \(n\) pairs of the form
     62   \((x_i, p(x_i))\). This will be the shares of the secret. Each party will get one share. We know
     63   that \(k\) shares define a unique polynomial \(p\) of degree \(k-1\), (if we find it, we'll find
     64   \(S\)). On the other hand, there are an infinite amount of polynomials of degree \(k-1\) that
     65   interpolate \(k-1\) points, so the secret cannot be easily obtained by gaining access to \(k-1\)
     66   shares<sup id="fnref1"><a href="#fn1">1</a></sup>.</p>
     67 <!-- /p -->
     69 <p>
     70   If we want to recover the secret from \(k\) shares, we can interpolate the \(k\) points \((x_i,
     71   p(x_i))\) using <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_polynomial">Lagrange's form for
     72   the interpolation polynomial</a><sup id="fnref2"><a href="#fn2">2</a></sup>:</p>
     73 <!-- /p -->
     75 <p>\[p(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} p(x_i) l_i(x),\]</p>
     77 <p>where</p>
     79 <p>
     80   \[l_i(x) = \prod_{\begin{smallmatrix}1\leq m\leq k\ m\neq i\end{smallmatrix}}
     81   \frac{x-x_m}{x_i-x_m}.\]</p>
     82 <!-- /p -->
     84 <p>Now, evaluating on \(x = 0\) we'll find the secret (because \(p(0) = S\)).</p>
     86 <h2>Final notes</h2>
     88 <p>
     89   Now we have a method to share our secret between multiple parties and being able to retrieve it
     90   with only some of them. This method is not too hard to code yourself, however, there are
     91   implementations online if you would rather not do that (make sure you are running trusted
     92   code!).</p>
     93 <!-- /p -->
     95 <!-- footnotes -->
     96 <hr />
     98 <ol>
     99   <li id="fn1">
    100     This is not completely true when working with positive integers, but it can be solved by working
    101     with finite fields. <a href="#fnref1" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text">&#8617;</a></li>
    102   <!-- /li -->
    103   <li id="fn2">
    104     Let's quickly prove that the \(p\) defined in Lagrange's form (\(\bar{p}\) from now on) is the
    105     same as the previously defined \(p\). \(\bar{p}\) is clearly a polynomial of degree (at most)
    106     \(k-1\), since it is the sum of polynomials of degree \(k-1\), so we only need to prove that it
    107     interpolates the points given (we'll asume that the fact that there is only one polynomial of
    108     degree at most \(k-1\) that interpolates \(k\) points is true). That is easy to prove since \(i
    109     \neq j \implies l_i(x_j) = 0\) and \(l_i(x_i) = 1\), therefore having \(\bar{p}(x_i) = p(x_i)
    110     l_i(x_i) = p(x_i)\). <a href="#fnref2" title="Jump back to footnote 2 in the text">&#8617;</a></li>
    111   <!-- /li -->
    112 </ol>
    113 </div>