2019-12-15-your-corner-of-the-internet.html (7681B) - raw

      1 <!-- title: Your corner of the Internet -->
      2 <!-- slug: your-corner-of-the-internet -->
      3 <!-- categories: Decentralization, Personal domain -->
      4 <!-- lastmod: 2019-12-06T00:00:00Z -->
      5 <!-- date: 2019-12-15T00:00:00Z -->
      7 <p>
      8   We tend to have online accounts across different social networks and services. We upload our
      9   projects in some sites, we post on different ones and we follow different people on all of them.
     10   Our online identities—along with everything we share—are all over the place, but there is a way to
     11   solve this (and many other problems): personal websites.</p>
     12 <!-- /p -->
     14 <p>
     15   Creating a personal website is a great way to share our projects, experiences, thoughts, etc.
     16   under our own terms, without being limited to a given theme or a couple of available options in a
     17   certain service. A personal website allows you to customize it as you want, whether that is
     18   quickly setting up a simple website with a portfolio, spending time creating the perfect CSS file
     19   or even setting up a service to share files with your friends using a password.</p>
     20 <!-- /p -->
     22 <p>
     23   You can buy a personal domain at a considerably cheap price (less than $12 a year for a
     24   <code>.me</code>, <code>.org</code> or <code>.com</code> domain), but it will provide you with
     25   something much more valuable: your corner of the Internet. Nobody can shut down your domain
     26   because it is no longer profitable and if your host can't continue to provide you with what you
     27   need, or they change their terms, you can simply switch companies, and still show your website
     28   under the same URL. You can change anything on the "backstage", and others will always find you at
     29   the same place.</p>
     30 <!-- /p -->
     32 <h2>Building the website</h2>
     34 <p>
     35   If you don't have any experience with programming or using plain text and you don't want to spend
     36   time getting familiar with it, you can use WordPress<sup id="fnref1"><a href="#fn1">1</a></sup> to
     37   create your site. It is a free (as in freedom) <a
     38   href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_management_system">content management system</a> that
     39   will allow you to build a site without much HTML/CSS knowledge. If you are more comfortable with
     40   plain text and the terminal or want to get in touch with them, building a static site that
     41   supports Markdown will probably be a much better option.</p>
     42 <!-- /p -->
     44 <h3>What is a static site?</h3>
     46 <p>
     47   Most of the websites we visit are dynamic. That means that the server we are retrieving the pages
     48   from is executing a program, and the pages we see are the results of that web application. Dynamic
     49   sites can be useful when we want users to be able to edit data. For instance, if users can log in
     50   and publish posts, that would require a dynamic site.</p>
     51 <!-- /p -->
     53 <p>
     54   On the other hand, there are static websites. In this case, the server simply serves files that
     55   are already stored on the server. So, for a given URL, everybody sees the same HTML (and
     56   JavaScript and CSS). You probably won't require a dynamic personal website, since you'll probably
     57   be publishing information about you, your projects, etc., without the need of a server that does
     58   real-time calculations to serve a page<sup id="fnref2"><a href="#fn2">2</a></sup>.</p>
     59 <!-- /p -->
     61 <p>Why am I talking about static sites? Well, they offer some advantages over dynamic ones.</p>
     63 <ul>
     64   <li>
     65     <strong>More efficient</strong>: since serving a page doesn't need any extra server-side
     66     operation, static sites use way fewer resources, which can benefit you when considering
     67     self-hosting the site. It will also make your site more environmentally friendly.</li>
     68   <!-- /li -->
     69   <li>
     70     <strong>More secure</strong>: since there isn't an app server, potential vulnerabilities are
     71     reduced drastically.</li>
     72   <!-- /li -->
     73   <li>
     74     <strong>Faster</strong>: because the server doesn't need to do operations, it can respond to
     75     requests faster, hence accelerating the loading time.<br/> <em>That is a general claim, by using
     76     proper caching and using content delivery networks, speeds can change considerably. It also
     77     depends on the number of plugins installed (or other operations made by the server).</em></li>
     78   <!-- /li -->
     79 </ul>
     81 <p>
     82   Because of these advantages, you can find free hosting for static sites and lower prices when
     83   self-hosting or using shared-hosting because of the lower amount of resources needed. Furthermore,
     84   since everything is stored in plain text and not in a database, you can easily use a version
     85   control system (such as Git) to keep a history of all your changes and easily share the source
     86   code of your site.</p>
     87 <!-- /p -->
     89 <h2>Generating a multi-page site</h2>
     91 <p>
     92   To create a static website with multiple pages, you can use a static site generator. There are a
     93   lot of static site generators, and I use Hugo (for a couple of reasons that I might write about
     94   some other time). With the use of Hugo—most other generators also offer this functionality—, you
     95   can code your navigation bar in a file, your footer in a different one and include both of them in
     96   multiple templates. These templates will then gather the content from your Markdown (or HTML)
     97   files, put it all together and output all the HTML files of your site. Now that I have an
     98   operative site, when I want to publish a new post, I create a file with some metadata and the post
     99   content, and Hugo does the rest. Post files look like the following:</p>
    100 <!-- /p -->
    102 <pre><code><!--
    103      -->---
    104 <!-- -->title: &quot;Post title&quot;
    105 <!-- -->categories: category
    106 <!-- -->tags: [ &quot;tag1&quot;, &quot;tag2&quot; ]
    107 <!-- -->---
    109 <!-- -->Post content.</code></pre>
    111 <p>
    112   Thanks to Hugo, it is very easy to add content to a website, and the source code is neatly
    113   organized. Hugo also lets you minify the content to reduce file sizes—although some people might
    114   argue against it, I find it useful and some files get reduced by up to 30% (CSS files)<sup
    115   id="fnref3"><a href="#fn3">3</a></sup>.</p>
    116 <!-- /p -->
    118 <h2>Conclusion</h2>
    120 <p>
    121   Since my recent exit from multiple services because of privacy terms concerns, I realized having a
    122   personal website can substitute social networks. I get to share anything I want on my own terms
    123   (and with my own theme!), ensuring privacy to anybody who wants to read, and I get to keep the
    124   copyright over my content. I now have my corner of the Internet, where everyone can find me,
    125   contact me and read what I have to share.</p>
    126 <!-- /p -->
    128 <!-- footnotes -->
    129 <hr />
    131 <ol>
    132   <li id="fn1">
    133     I use WordPress as the dynamic alternative because it has a free license, it is
    134     beginner-friendly, it can easily be configured to run a personal website with a blog and a
    135     portfolio and because it is very popular. However, if you are thinking about creating a dynamic
    136     personal site, you should consider other options that are also interesting. <a href="#fnref1"
    137     title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text">&#8617;</a></li>
    138   <!-- /li -->
    139   <li id="fn2">
    140     You can still change the contents in a static site, however, you will have to edit the text
    141     files manually and then upload them to the server (this can be automated). It is less
    142     complicated than it sounds once you learn Markdown (which is very simple). <a href="#fnref2"
    143     title="Jump back to footnote 2 in the text">&#8617;</a></p></li>
    144   <!-- /li -->
    145   <li id="fn3">
    146     On top of that, you can always find the source code well indented in the repository, by clicking
    147     on <em>Inspect element</em> or by using a prettifier. <a href="#fnref3" title="Jump back to
    148     footnote 3 in the text">&#8617;</a></li>
    149   <!-- /li -->
    150 </ol>