Since the start of this website (its first anniversary was a couple of weeks ago!) until recently, I have been using the static site generator Hugo. Static site generators are very useful when building relatively complex static websites, and Hugo has served me well. I have also used Lektor and Jekyll before for other projects, but for a site with a blog, I like Hugo the most. However, with time, some issues have arisen with Hugo, and I finally decided to change my site's generator.

Issues with Hugo

If you build your website with a static site generator, it will probably be the most critical dependency of your site. Of course, it's a dependency I'm fine with as it makes things much easier (dealing with Markdown content, categories, web feeds...), but if something goes wrong, the site won't render as you want. Hugo in particular is a very big project and I don't feel like jumping into the source code every time I have an issue with the program (especially since I've never used Go, and I don't want to spend hours for minor annoyances). Although Hugo works wonderfully, I have encountered moments where it has acted unpredictably, and documentation doesn't help most of the time.

On top of that, although it works perfectly well (and it is one of the most popular SSGs), it is on a beta stage and the developers have made backward-incompatible changes without warning in the past. The change I have in mind was clearly stated on the release page, but I normally let my package manager handle the updates, and I want my computer to keep working correctly (or throw big red warnings all over the place). In this case, HTML inside Markdown files stopped rendering, and I only found out coincidentally a couple of weeks later as the web feed was not valid anymore. From that moment on, I started checking the release notes for every update (which are frequent, about once a week), but it was an annoying routine.

I understand that the program is in beta and it was on me to check for breaking changes, but to be fair, Hugo is marketed as a fully functional program (as if it wasn't on a beta stage) on the official website. Considering my last issue, this was concerning and ended up creating uncertainty on the stability of Hugo and the transparency of the developers, so I decided to change my site generator.

Taking the leap

I wanted to move to something lightweight that could still be useful in a few years' time, ideally a program that was easy to understand and maintain. The problem was that I had some very specific needs that small programs didn't fulfill, leaving only big programs as an option (which I didn't want to use). I thought of the possibility of creating my own site generator, but it looked like a large task I didn't want to spend my time on. Hugo was working fine, and although I kept looking up other SSGs when I discovered them, I stopped actively looking for alternatives or thinking about designing my own.

Until the night of the 5th of September, when I came across This project was just perfect, and I couldn't resist. Let me show you an extract of the README:

Have you used a popular static site generator like Jekyll to generate your blog?


I have too. It is simple and great. But then did you yearn to use something even simpler to generate your blog? Do you like Python? Perhaps the thought of writing your own static site generator crossed your mind but you thought it would be too much work?

Yes, yes, and definitely yes!

If you answered "yes" to these questions, then this project is for you.

Nice! That night I read the README and the source code (which is shorter than the README). The program is very simple and a lot of the basic functionality I needed out of a static site generator was already there. On top of that, it didn't use any non-standard Python library except for the Markdown parser. I really liked the project and I thought it could be the foundation of my personal static site generator.

It was. The next morning, I started coding to make it usable for my website. I had to implement many new features, but with Python it was easy and fun. After two days of working on it, I finally released my site using a personal fork of,!

The new benefits

So, why change the SSG if Hugo was working fine? As I said, I've had my issues with Hugo, and I don't want to be forced to leave my static site generator if more arise in the future. I don't know if I'll be able to switch SSGs when (and if) the time comes, and now I have the time and motivation needed to do it, so I decided to take the chance while it was there. On top of that, is not only my "way out of Hugo", it is a program that has many features that could have made me do the change without having any troubles with the last SSG.

First of all, the program is very small, it's only about 270 lines of code and it's written in Python. That makes it very easy for me to read and understand the whole program very quickly, even if I have completely forgotten everything about it. Obviously, this doesn't count the lines of code of the libraries it depends on, but those are all standard libraries and the functions are easy to understand, except for the Markdown parser, but if that ever gives me any trouble I can change it without much effort.

Since is made exclusively for my website, it is more closely tied to the rest of my site. For example, it doesn't have a complex template engine, instead, templates only process the following two snippets:

If I need anything more complex, I will use Python to create the text and pass it as a variable when rendering the template. I prefer this approach as it is a lot nicer to implement those features in Python than it is with a template engine. For some pages—for example, the archive—Python does some more heavy lifting and creates part of the HTML. This can sound weird in comparison with other static site generators, where HTML is only dealt with in the template files, but it makes things simpler, and I no longer need hacky templates to create certain outputs.

Moreover, I like the file structure a lot better (I designed it!), and if I ever want to change it, it shouldn't take long to do so. Similarly, any other design options are exactly as I want them to be, since it is me who decided them. In case it is not clear: everything works exactly as I want it to!

Finally, it's a project that doesn't move too fast. One of the problems with websites is that links are easily broken: entities change their backend, run out of money, mess up an update, etc. and let their links break. Right now, I am pretty dedicated to my website, and if my SSG broke something on my website, I would spend the time to fix it, but I can't ensure I'll do the same in two or five years (and I don't want to break any links, even on the long term, but that's a post for another day). Unless something happens with Python, will work and so will the generation of my website. There won't be any updates that break some random page or that change a certain behaviour1. I hope can stand the test of time, but we'll see...

Final comments

Forking and setting up everything I needed for my website was very fun, but it is surely a process that not everyone will enjoy. I have lately been leaning towards software that is a simple as possible, software that is easy to understand and change if needed. It takes time to set up, but once it's working, you can forget about it (and if you need to make changes, they are quickly implemented) and you will have software that works exactly as you want it to. I am very meticulous about this website and try to have good control over everything that happens during the website's generation, and I couldn't be happier with

On another note, I don't want to end this post without saying that Hugo has been a great static site generator, and I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to have a blog on a static website. In a new update with breaking changes, they did throw errors if the old feature was used, so maybe my experience wouldn't happen again. Just remember, it's still in beta.

  1. Also, whenever I make changes to, I can run diff -r to check for differences for the outputs before and after the update. With Hugo, many files changed without explanation (although it was mostly style choices, it made it hard to see the real changes in content between updates).